5 Inspiring Lessons from an Entrepreneur Who Overcame All the Odds

America is obsessed with the entrepreneur icon – the wealthy, jet setting billionaire who goes to space or buys Twitter on a whim.  And for many, the idea of entrepreneurship is something that other people do—people with more money, more education, more connections.

But anyone can succeed in entrepreneurship with the right mindset.  You may not be building your own spaceship anytime soon, but you can certainly build a life of prosperity for you and your family.  All you need is guidance, inspiration, and a lot of hard work!

In honor of Juneteenth, we are discussing Who Owns the Ice House?, the inspirational story of unlikely entrepreneur Uncle Cleve, a descendent of slaves living in Jim Crow Mississippi.

Uncle Cleeve’s story personifies the entrepreneurial mindset, and this book has timeless lessons for anyone who wants to create their mark in this world through entrepreneurship.

5 Inspiring Lessons from Uncle Cleeve

1. Choose to be the best you can be.

“The ability to choose the way we respond to our circumstances is perhaps the greatest power we have…Uncle Cleve was an ordinary man whose only advantage was his mindset that enabled him to choose a different life that allowed him to triumph over adversity as an entrepreneur.” 

Choose to believe in yourself, choose to believe that you can—even when those around you say you can’t.  Use your adversity to build the strength and resilience you need to persevere through the challenges of entrepreneurship. 

No matter where you come from in life, you can always choose to be better today than you were tomorrow, and this is the first and most essential step of building your entrepreneurial mindset. 

2. See problems as opportunities 

“Uncle Cleve was a problem solver.  He understood that problems were opportunities and that if he could identify problems and find solutions for people, he would prosper as well.”

Great entrepreneurs understand that the best businesses aren’t built on their own wants or needs, but rather addressing the needs of the people around them.  Does your business solve other people’s problems; does it address their needs?  If not, what can you do to change that?   

No matter how much you love your product or service, a businesses can only succeed if other people see value in it.  

3. Ideas are nothing without action

“Uncle Cleve was a man of action. He was always in motion, and his mind was always fully engaged.  Once he had identified an opportunity and gathered the information he needed, he set his plan into motion. He was not one to make excuses, and he was not afraid to try something new.”

Being willing to pursue new opportunities is essential for entrepreneurial success. Make research and reflection on potential opportunities a part of your regular schedule.  It might be time to enhance your product, try a new marketing strategy, or even open a whole new business.  

Most importantly, once you identify a potential opportunity, take action.  Thinking of a new idea means nothing if you don’t execute on it. 

4. Never stop learning

“Although Uncle Cleve had little formal education, he was a wise man who understood the value of knowledge and was not afraid to learn. He was a curious man, and he understood the power of knowledge and the clear connection between knowledge, effort, and reward.”

Intentional learning combined with real world testing is an essential part of growth and development as an entrepreneur.  And this process doesn’t end even when you have a successful business.  Trends, technology, and best practices are always changing and updating.  If continual learning isn’t a part of your entrepreneurial mindset, your successful business today could become obsolete tomorrow. 

5. Build a community of committed entrepreneurs

“Because he was future focused, Uncle Cleve taught himself to stick with others who were the same…Uncle Cleve was a student as well as a teacher. He learned from the success of others and, thankfully, he was willing to pass along what he had learned.”

Surrounding yourself with people who have similar dreams and ambitions will help keep you on track and committed to your entrepreneurial ambitions. Find mentors who can share their wisdom, and in time, pay it forward by becoming a mentor to other budding entrepreneurs. 

Who Owns The Ice House?: Small Business Book Review

If you are looking for a book to motivate and inspire you, a book that will help you understand the mindset you need to be an entrepreneur – look no further than Who Owns the Ice House.  

It is simple, straightforward, and deeply impactful.  I’m giving Who Owns the Ice House a 5 out of 5 stars for small business owners.  Whether you are just getting started or need a morale boost on your entrepreneurial journey – this book will do the trick.

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